it would be foolish to propound a nonrecognition doctrine in dealings with capitalist countries 意味

  • 資本主義諸国との交渉において非承認主義を持ちだすとすれば愚かしいことだ


        nonrecognition:    nonrecognition 不認承 ふにんしょう
        propound:    propound 説教 せっきょう
        nonrecognition policy:    不承認主義{ふしょうにん しゅぎ}
        dealings:    dealings 取り引き 取引 とりひき
        foolish:     foolish adj. 愚かな, ばかな. 【副詞】 No one is foolish enough to endorse such a bill. そんな手形に裏書きするばかはいない How foolish of him to do…! …するなんてなんてばかなやつだ I felt really foolish after I said that.
        a capitalist:    a capitalist 資本主義者 しほんしゅぎしゃ
        capitalist:     capitalist n. 資本家. 【+動詞】 Capitalists exploit the workers. 資本家は労働者を搾取する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a budding capitalist 新進の資本家 a corrupt capitalist 腐敗した資本家 a freewheeling capitalist やりたい
        propound a proposal:    計画案{けいかく あん}を提唱{ていしょう}する
        propound a question:    問題{もんだい}を提出{ていしゅつ}する
        propound a theory:    学説{がくせつ}を提出{ていしゅつ}する
        propound the idea that:    (that 以下)という案を提議{ていぎ}する
        doctrine:     doctrine n. 教義, 主義, 学説, 信条; 原則; 政策, 方針; 教え. 【動詞+】 abandon an older doctrine より古い主義を捨てる accept Christian doctrine キリスト教の教義を受け入れる adopt the doctrine その教義を採る advocate the doct
        propound an argument:    論拠{ろんきょ}を持ち出す
        would:    {助動-1} : ~だろう、~するつもりだ◆過去の単純未来や意志未来。従属節内の時制の一致。 They said she would go there alone 彼女は一人でそこへ行くつもりだと彼らは言った。 We thought he would be late. 彼は遅れるだろうと私たちは思った。 ---------------------------------------------
        would be:    {形} :


  1. "it would be doing a disservice to him to take any notice of such a trivial oversight" 意味
  2. "it would be downright madness to do such a thing" 意味
  3. "it would be ethically irresponsible not to do so" 意味
  4. "it would be far better to wait (than to go and meet him)" 意味
  5. "it would be foolish in the extreme" 意味
  6. "it would be futile to push against the pressure for reform" 意味
  7. "it would be good for someone if" 意味
  8. "it would be good practice to do…" 意味
  9. "it would be greatly appreciated if you could return the forms by 6th april. 4" 意味
  10. "it would be far better to wait (than to go and meet him)" 意味
  11. "it would be foolish in the extreme" 意味
  12. "it would be futile to push against the pressure for reform" 意味
  13. "it would be good for someone if" 意味

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